I’m not sure if it’s just me, but it feels like every time I go to Guitar Center, the employees treat me like I don’t know the difference between a guitar and a snare drum. Maybe it’s because I’m young, but that’s always the vibe I get. I’ve yet to meet an employee there that I actually liked.
They all had big rock and roll dreams, but now they’re working in a guitar store, relying on commissions.
It’s not fair to assume that every Guitar Center employee is an unsuccessful artist. They might be successful in their own way and just happen to work there. I’ve personally never had bad service, but I can imagine how frustrating it could be to deal with 8+ hours of customers randomly fiddling with instruments, hearing “Stairway to Heaven” played nonstop in the acoustic section, or endless riffs in the electric guitar section. Dealing with cables not returned after demoing gear, basslines on repeat, and customers with 100 questions who don’t buy anything could definitely wear someone down.
And honestly, I’ve probably been one of those customers myself—just not necessarily with those bands!
Before criticizing someone for being unhappy at work, think about how you feel when you’re at your job. Are you always on cloud nine?
If you’re genuinely miserable at work, it might be time to consider pursuing something else. If dealing with customers is what makes you unhappy, maybe it’s worth exploring a job that doesn’t involve customer interaction. It’s not the customers’ fault if you hate your job—they’re just there to enjoy their hobby. If this environment isn’t working for you, do yourself and everyone else a favor and make a change.
This 100%. If you don’t like a customer-facing job, become an accountant or go write code or so.
Been trying to find a people-free job for about 5 years now. Not much out there that isn’t brain meltingly boring and/or graveyards shifts. Closest I’ve found is bookkeeping, and it’s still not perfect. Let me know when you’ve found my dream job.