My 3-year-old daughter is eager to learn how to play…

She always wants to hold one of my guitars and strum the strings every day. She’s even told me she wants to ask Santa for her own guitar to play. I’m looking for some great options for kids. I know there are junior-sized guitars, but I’d prefer not to go with a generic option from Walmart due to concerns about quality. While I’m not sure if she’ll stick with it long-term, I want to support her interest and help her learn. What are some good choices for a young beginner?


You’re fortunate she’s showing interest at such a young age! At her stage, I’d recommend starting her on a ukulele. They’re affordable and durable, with good options available for $75-$100. Kids adapt quickly, so transitioning to a guitar and learning new chords and tuning will be easier when she’s ready for that step.


That is cute as fuck and also metal as fuck. Love it.

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For a 3-year-old, a ukulele tuned to E A D G is a great choice. It has nylon strings that are gentle on little fingers, and its smaller frets and size are perfect for tiny hands. Plus, it’s not too costly to replace if it gets a bit of rough treatment from a curious toddler.


Teaching her and participating in the learning process together is incredibly valuable! I recommend looking into the Suzuki method. It’s well-suited for young children and focuses on demonstrating behavior, sound, and technique, which they then replicate. This hands-on approach is very effective for learning at that age.

I was just thinking about this—at 3, she’s at that wonderfully creative stage where she throws her toys around and has a blast doing it! Lol

Ill look into this, thank you!