Do You Think the World's Best Guitarist Is Famous or an Unknown Talent?

I know it’s impossible to really define who the “best” guitarist is, but it’s something I wonder about from time to time.

Maybe the most skilled, “complete” guitarist out there is someone we’ve never heard of an anonymous player who spends 14 hours a day practicing in solitude, playing purely for themselves and not seeking any fame.


I’ve thought about this too! I mean, some of the greatest talents probably aren’t even trying to be famous. They just love the instrument and focus on perfecting their craft. But still, it’d be cool to stumble across one of those hidden gems!

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That’s an interesting thought! We often assume the best musicians are the ones we know, but who knows? Maybe there’s someone out there who’s beyond incredible but doesn’t care about the spotlight. It’s kind of a romantic idea in a way.

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I think the best guitarists we know about are famous because they were able to pair their talent with performance and creativity in a way that resonates with people. But yeah, I’m sure there are plenty of insanely talented guitarists we’ll never hear of because they don’t seek out the limelight.

It’s possible! Some people just love playing for themselves and couldn’t care less about performing or becoming famous. That said, I also think the best guitarists are the ones who can connect with an audience, and that requires more than just technical skill.