Hey everyone, since I was a kid, I wanted to learn guitar, but life kept getting in the way. Finally, I got a second-hand electric guitar, and a friend gave me a Line6 Guitar Port, so now I have what I need!
Here’s the thing… I know absolutely nothing. No chords, no theory, nothing. Just love music and want to play.
Where should I start? Should I pay for a course, or are free resources enough? If a course, it has to be online and flexible because of my work schedule.
Any tips or encouragement? Also, English isn’t my first language, so sorry if there are any mistakes. Thanks!
Check out JustinGuitar. I picked up playing again and started his beginner lessons. Learning things I never knew before, and it makes playing way easier.
The main thing is to practice every day. It won’t happen overnight, but it’ll come together!
I’m 54. My daughter wanted to learn, so I got her a starter Strat. That got me into it too! Started JustinGuitar 6 months ago and love it. Best time to start is now!
Go to YouTube and find ‘Absolutely Understand Guitar.’ He has a playlist with 36 videos. Start from video one, don’t skip ahead, and rewatch if needed!
Thanks for all the advice! Just made an account on Justin Guitar and will practice at least 30 minutes daily. Feel free to drop more tips for others reading this! Rock on!
Go to Justinguitar.com and do his beginner’s course step by step. Everything in there is important, no matter what kind of music you like. I’ve done a few of his courses, and they’re all worth it!
Start with JustinGuitar. It’s free and great for beginners. Once you learn some chords, look up songs you like and follow along with YouTube tutorials!