Do you ever use your pinky while playing fingerstyle?

I usually see people using their thumb for the bass strings and the index, middle, and ring fingers for everything else. Should I use my pinky at all?

I mostly use it for 5-note chords.

Kip said:
I mostly use it for 5-note chords.

I guess if you can’t use your thumb for two notes at once?

Kip said:
I mostly use it for 5-note chords.

Yeah, not often, but when I do, it’s for a 5-note chord with an add11. Makes the chord sound more interesting.

I use my pinky a lot, especially when I’m just playing around. I like to keep it active.

I’m with the never group too.

I hold the pick with my thumb and index finger, and I use my other fingers to pick. I do use my pinky a lot, especially for rolls. For something like Meryl Travis’ ‘Cannonball Rag’, the pinky helps get the right picking pattern.

Yeah, same here. It’s hybrid picking. I use my pinky a lot. For nylon strings, I usually just use my fingers, but sometimes I’ll do some flamenco rolls too, which also use the pinky.

I don’t really use my pinky for picking with my right hand. It mostly stays on the soundboard to help with muscle memory. But for fretting notes, I use it all the time with my left hand.

You can use it, but it’s not common.

Honestly, I use my pinky almost all the time, especially for power chords. No idea how I started doing that.

Only when I need to. Can’t really think of any specific times I’ve used it, except maybe for some chords.

I learned a couple of classical pieces where I used my pinky. Sometimes I also use it with the ring finger for chord melody stuff.

Just use what feels comfortable. If using your pinky works for you, go for it. There’s no ‘right’ way to play—thousands of guitarists play in different ways, and that’s what makes music great.

I only use it if I need to hit five strings at once and can’t quite get the middle finger to reach.

Never. I tried using it, but I guess I’m just too used to not using it. Plenty of great players don’t use it either.

I don’t use my pinky much. I anchor it on the guitar, and I can’t seem to unlearn that habit. But if you’re learning, try using it for the low E string like classical players do—it might help in the long run.

I have to use it sometimes, but I really don’t like it.

I only use it for anchoring. But honestly, do what works for you. You can play just fine with anywhere from 1 to 5 fingers.

In classical guitar, you use it sometimes. But with modern fingerstyle, it’s pretty rare.